Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Frank Morton

No lectures today. Everybody’s gone to play sports. Except me. I’m sitting in my room playing Worms while doing the occasional work…

Well, today’s the Frank Morton Sports Day. It’s basically a sports day for chemical engineers. This year it’s held at Manchester, so most chemical engineering departments of universities in the UK will send their flock of students there. Those taking part from Cambridge had to leave in a coach at four a.m. this morning. Good for them, I’d say. Volleyball is not contended, and for the life of me I don’t know how to kick a ball, so I’m not going. I’m sure they’re all having fun there, and at this time, they’re probably gone clubbing. Oh well… looking back, I can’t say today has not been a good day for me too. Got lots of work done, not to mention I’ve figured how to do my potato of death’s write-up.

I think they’ll probably arrive back in the wee hours of the morning. Unfortunately for some, that means only a few hours of sleep before facing the 9 o’clock lab session. That includes my two lab partners. I doubt they even have time to read the lab manual. After all, who in their right mind will bring a lab manual to a sports day in Manchester?

I asked one of them yesterday, “You don’t hate it when you come to the lab unprepared and not know what’s going on?”

His reply, “Yaz, it’s the excitement of the unknown. You never know what’s going to happen.”

Yeah, try doing that for an exam.


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