Sunday, March 18, 2007

Easter Break This Way comes

Right, first off, I think I should apologise, because I did mention that I was going to snap some pictures during the open day and post them. Well, I didn’t. I did brought my camera to the event but somehow or rather, maybe because of the scheduling, I didn’t get to leave my post long enough to wander around. I didn’t even get to attend the infamous chemistry lecture that was part of the event. That was one program of the day that people have to book in advance in order to attend. I got the impression that my experiment’s lead demonstrator will not be too happy if I left for one hour to see the lecture. Oh well…

To recap, it was a busy day. I was demonstrating an experiment about autocatalytic reaction, but we gave it a fancy name of “The Oscillating Reaction”. Basically, we mixed some solutions in a beaker and it changes colour from clear to yellow to blue and back to clear every five seconds, hence the oscillation. The kids were like “Wow” and “Mommy, mommy, look!” Okay, not all, but lots of them reacted that way, especially the little ones. It was a cool experiment, I suppose, but the novelty wears out after a while, and after six hours of watching a solution change colour, I was about ready to tell them to go home already so that we can clear up.

A funny thing about the demonstration is that I don’t really take chemistry as a subject, so my knowledge of inorganic chemistry is rather nonexistent, and the lead demonstrator only explained the experiment to me once in a very simplified version. Hence, I was pretty sure I’ve been talking crap the whole day when I explain it to people, since I myself don’t understand it properly. Guess it’s a good thing nobody actually comes up to me and ask for the specific details.

Anyway, that’s enough about chemistry for a month or so. Yep, it’s the Easter holidays, for five weeks until the 24th. If you have an Easter break as well, then have a good holiday. If not, then too bad. Ha ha ha!


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