Saturday, May 20, 2006


We all know how stressful exams can be. Therefore, in order to keep students sane and stop them from tearing their hairs out, the chaplains of Trinity College has provided a massage service. No, not from them (can you imagine how ridiculous it would be if chaplains start massaging people) but from a professional therapist. Obviously this will be in high demand so there’s a sign down sheet for it. But still, a free massage…wow!

Apart from that, they’ve also decided to give free doughnuts to students at the library (every day if I’m not mistaken) at two o’ clock. Yay!! Repeat after me…mmmmm, doughnuts (Homer Simpson style).

I went to the library at one minute past two yesterday because I have cravings for those doughnuts but they were all gone! And I was just one minute late!

Nooooo, me wants me doouughnuts!!!

Yaz is hungry. Not good.

1 comment:

Adam Ahmad said...


oxford is a university town :P