Friday, May 19, 2006

Can’t think of a title


Just finished my physics lecture a few minutes ago. According to the schedule, we’ll have two more next week, but technically, this one’s the last one of those that will be asked in the exam. The next two will be on non-examinable material, so they’re kinda optional. We’ll be learning cosmology, and as the lecturer put it, “Next time we’ll cover the whole history of the universe in one lecture.” Is it just me or that is kinda funny?

Guess I’ll be saying goodbye to physics and chemistry since I’m starting chemical engineering next year. I would rather continue with natural sciences, but then nobody’s gonna give you a scholarship just to be a scientist (at least in my case). A friend asked me just now, can’t you not do chem. eng. but stick to nat. sci? I think my Materials Sciences lecturer/supervisor was also dropping not so subtle hints on how she would like me to continue with my subjects. Oh well, sorry guys (or girls, to be pedantic) but it’s a no go.

I’m getting kinda scared. Probably because my friends are turning into politicians, or at least political commentators. Eeurgh, politics…nasty.


Just kidding about the politician bit. Well, it does scare me a little, but I’m more scared about what my friend said the other day, that to get a first (top ten percent) you have to go against all these nerds and super nerds and ultra-geniuses that you’ll probably don’t have a chance. I’m targeting 2-1 now, looks like a more reasonable aim, doesn’t it?

On that note, the room privilege that goes with being a first only applies in the third year. I already know where my room is next year. Got a nice one (I was lucky with the ballot) which probably is nicer than the one I’m in now.

Well, there’s my rambling of the week. I was writing this on my laptop while occasionally staring out the window, watching the weather turned from windy to bright to a drizzle to sunny to a drizzle again… all in ten minutes. Half the time I don’t know what I’m actually writing but hey, it’s my blog.

Think I should rename it “The annals of insanity”?

P.S. To Keste: Oxford?? What’s that? Never heard of it. Can it be eaten?


*sigh* don’t mind me…



imree said...

"bwahahaha"----> been watching bleach lately??


yazid jay said...

Yay! Imree leaves a comment...finally!

Adam Ahmad said...

are you two are having an affair or something?

yazid jay said...

what are you talking about? heh heh