Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A trip down memory lane

So I went to London on the 25th of March for a meeting with my sponsor. Nothing worth mentioning, unless you count the fact that we got a free lunch at the hotel afterwards, which is a welcomed break from the cafeteria food or those that I cooked (if you can call it that) myself.

Since I was already in London, I took the opportunity to visit my old school in Wales (I have to go via London to visit it from Cambridge anyway). Was looking forward to it, especially since this week is the last week that ex-students are allowed to visit (afterwards the current students will be preparing for the International Baccalaureate exam) and I have some stuffs left there that I need to take back, namely my printer.

I guess you can say it was a bit weird to go back to the place that you used to know. Somehow, quite a number of people looked different. My ex-dorm mates were sporting new hairstyles and there's this Russian kid who was really short the last time I saw him but I could have sworn that now the top of his head was reaching my eye level when I walked past him at the hall. Was it him or was I getting shorter? You think?

Anyway, my camera sort of broke down so I couldn't use it to take pictures but luckily there's my trusty N70 to the rescue, he he. So yeah, I managed to take some snapshots of my beloved Atlantic College where I spent 2 years in.

My school is a 12th century medieval castle overlooking the sea, how cool is that?


Where I sometimes go to unwind...

Castle and the Beast Garden...

See why it's called the beast garden?

I am the protector of this castle, muahahaha!

Ooooh, another one! Warrrghhh!!

Unfortunately, the rose garden doesn't bloom at this time of the year. Otherwise, it's really really pretty

The main drive...

We don't really live in the castle. Instead, we live in separate student houses. Some of the classes, however, are conducted in the castle, and not forgetting the dining hall. It's very Harry Potter-ish.

Usually there are some sheep around. can you spot them?

All in all, it was nice meeting old friends and faces. Gosh, I guess I really must have missed them. It's been what, almost a year? My next visit will probably be during the 10-year reunion, *sigh* that's eons away.
Stayed there for 3 days, then I took off to London. I also brought the printer with me. Ever tried carrying a box with a printer inside all the way from Cardiff to London to Cambridge? Trust me, it's no fun.