Sunday, March 19, 2006

Flashes, sounds and explosions...

Hiya! Hmmm, my 2nd blog entry. Now, if only interesting things keep happening to me, I should be able to keep this up, he he.

So, yesterday was quite a busy day. There's this whole Science Week Festival going on in Cambridge and it was the Chemistry Open Day yesterday. I volunteered for this one. Why? Coz I think chemistry is fun ( and I have a whole bunch of balloons that I nicked *ahem* took from the open day with the words "Chemistry is fun" written on them to agree with me). Sure, I like other subjects as well, e.g Physics is quite fastinating with relativity, quantum-whatever and stuffs but when it gets down to it, for the past 3 years the lectures/classes that I enjoyed most is chemistry.

So yeah, I was supposed to be there from 1:30 to 3 p.m. only but I stayed the whole day. Otherwise, I'll miss all the lecture and experiments. And yea, the title of this post is basically the theme of the lecture (after all, why on earth would the public attend a boring ol' university lecture - you have to throw a couple of smokes and explosions in).

Dr Wothers lighting something up...

, he caught fire!

So I basically was in charge of the treasure hunt involving chemical elements and handing balloons to children. Yup, that's exactly what a student studying chemistry in a university is there for: giving away balloons. Definitely. Need to have a vast chemistry knowledge to handle balloons, otherwise think what would happen if a child starts untying the knot and there's no one around to help the poor kid when he inhales the helium and starts to *gasps* talk funny?

To make polyjuice potion, you need a wartroot...

All in all, it was a pretty good day. The highlight of my day was when this kid pointed to me and said, "Mommy, mommy...ballooney." It was sooo cute the way he said it that I felt like kidnapping the child. Gosh, did I say that out loud?

Haha, I am the open day mascot, the Balloon Man!!
(a friend insisted I take this picture)

1 comment:

Adam Ahmad said...

typical yazid. and i mean it in a good way :P