Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Of Cold and Warmth

Ooookay, so I was naïve! It was a fine morning, well… a bit cloudy but other than that it was all okay. I would only be gone for half an hour anyway to breakfast. It’s not even that far. Unaware of the impending doom, I put on my jacket, left my umbrella on the table, and walked out to the dining hall. Halfway there, there was a tap-tap-tap sound and it felt like grains of something falling down on you.

It sleeted.

Yeah, after three years here you thought I’d have known better. Mentally cursing myself for the apparent stupidity, I ran towards shelter. Luckily it wasn’t liquid water coming down from the sky or I would have been drenched.

It was a bit more pleasant today. It snowed. Well, not really snowed because it was very light and lasted for only a few minutes. It didn’t even have time to settle on the ground. That was okay though coz it was quite pleasant.

Talking about meteorological phenomena, I was baffled the other day. Err, maybe shocked-into-silence-by-the-cluelessness-of-some -people is a better description (is cluelessness even a word?). You know how America used to not care about the environment and global warming that much, what’s with not signing the Kyoto protocol and all. Well, I was browsing the web and I came across this comment by some random person:

“…I still don't believe that global warming is happening. So far there has not been any conclusive scientific studies that prove that global warming is happening. I think that this warm feeling is a warming and cooling trend in the climate that is natural and has been cycling since long before humans were here.”

*shocked into silence*

Arrghhh, idiot!!! (Napoleon Dynamite style)

I really want to scream that out loud! Okay, so it is a bit (actually a lot) ridiculous that this guy, which I’m assuming represents quite a chunk of the population of the said country does not know things that the rest of the world have agreed upon eons ago. How clueless can you be?! Of course, can’t really blame him entirely since said country has sheltered its denizens from the truth for ages but still, it’s totally preposterous! These ignoramuses are killing me.

Last year there was a documentary film titled ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ released in the US about global warming. The US government also recently changed its stance, when it finally agreed to study whether the polar bear should be considered an endangered species because of melting ice caps due to global warming. Heh heh, finally.


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