Friday, January 19, 2007

Einstein?! Hawking?!

Is hallucinating about famous scientists a sign that you've been pushing yourself too hard?

I was tidying up bits and pieces of my work in the library when Einstein walked by along the aisle.

Wait a minute. That can't be, he's DEAD!

The entity turned around and... phew! It was just the library caretaker with the trademark messy white hair.

Yeah, maybe I should take a break.

On the other hand, Stephen Hawking is of Gonville and Caius college, so those observant enough might luckily see him around. I haven't yet, but a friend of mine has spotted him a few times in Cambridge. Grrrr, I'm envious!



Anonymous said...

geez, you are getting nuts.

I mean, u were already nuts in koleq.. and i cant imagine how a 'nuttier' yazid jay will be.



yazid jay said...

Haha, not sure if I can take it as a compliment =)

Although not being a physics student any more, I really want to meet Hawking. I've already met Martin Rees, which, with him being the Master of Trinity College, is not that hard to meet. But Hawking is like, the must-see scientist at the moment. So yeah, I'm keeping my eyes open.