Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Good timing!

I checked my pigeon hole on Tuesday morning and what do you know… an eid greeting card from Australia! Apart from some text messages, e-mails and blog eid greetings (which I really appreciate), this is the only card that I’ve received this year. Thanks Farouk! The fact that it’s there Tuesday morning means that it must have arrived on Monday, the 1st day of eid. Cool!


P.S I would love to reply it back… if you remembered to include a return address =p


Adam Ahmad said...

"this is the only card that I’ve received this year."

Don't say that. cam sedey plak bunyi :)

yazid jay said...

Haha, didn't mean it to sound like that, because I've received countless SMS's + calls + etc wishing a happy Eid =) Just one card, though. So I guess that makes it pretty special.