Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Hello again. Finally (and after more than a week of not updating) I’m free from the evil clutches of this thing called the heat exchanger design project. I can honestly say that I haven’t done my best but, bah, who cares? It was good enough and I have better things to do anyway.

Speaking of which, I think those supervisors that assign us with lots of work to do this time around should be shot. It’s so close to my exams and those works interferes with my revision. Some people might say that those counts as revision in themselves but I prefer my revision to be organised and at my pace.

Microsoft conspires with my laptop today to annoy me. I’ve specifically told my computer to notify me for automatic updates and not just download it automatically (which ironically will defy its name) but today despite the setting it started downloading anyway and it irritates the hell out of me. Imagine sitting in front of your computer for half an hour without being able to do anything. Good thing I decided to go out and circle the city of Cambridge while waiting instead of punching a hole through the monitor.

Until then,



Anonymous said...

get a mac!! =)

yazid jay said...

I've used my computer allowance, sooo... probably not in the next few years.

Anonymous said...


get yourself a mac first